Fasilitas Studio AKP
“kitchen studio” di duren sawit Jakarta Timur

Cozy Client Working Space

Lots of Props to choose

Lighting Gear
Medium Format Kamera

Studio for all, cozy and cool
A cozy cool place for every body, yes it is a studio for photography as well videography. Located at east Jakarta with toll road access direct to the studio. This place has 2 studio : Kitchen studio, where we can shoot a chef cooking and Wet studio where we can splash water and flour with out no problem.
The Kitchen Studio has fully function kitchen equipments with bunch of tools for making food and beverages for the shoot. Full range fire stove, microwave grill, big oven, small oven, big deep fryer (we can deep fried 8grm fish easily). We cook the food for many new concept restaurant, here in this kitchen: Tasty Kitchen, Warung Wardani, Tong Ji, Negiya, Doner Kebab, Yummy Hot Noodle, So Hot Stone Hot Pot, Bakso Prabu, Bakso Solo Samrat, and many more. This Kitchen Studio is also an open show case kitchen where we can do cooking show, live show for youtube or instagram
The wet studio is an empty space where we can shoot what ever we want. We usually do lots of water, dust and all kind of water- oil splash here in this place. We Shoot lots of video here in this video too : Carl’s Junior “CJ Chicken”
Well we are waiting to do your project with us in these studio. WA: 0816 481 7565
Food photography, talent photography, food videography for your brand with us