2019 is a great year, AKP team did lots of amazing concepts including for CiMoy. A new homey Hakka comfort food for delivery and take away. These food are authentic old-fashion Chinese Hakka style. The owner has seen a niche of these kind of foods, well it shows what it should be, the food of ancestor.

The photo session was held in two days at AKP’s Kitchen Studio, East Jakarta, near Kelapa Gading. Food and Props styled by Albert Kurniawan, founder of AKP Food Photographer Jakarta.

Shoot with medium format camera
Shot with Medium format camera, Hasselblad 503CW and Phase one H25, 120mm Macro Lens. AKP only shot with medium format with 3 reasons:
- Clarity image, clear image looks amazing transparent.
- Colour is right, right colour for each element.
- Small size pixel, when you print you will see how dense each image were made of.
These 3 reason mention above is not achievable in photoshop. The quality comes from the sensor of digital back. The Lens is also another big factor for the quality.

Food Photographer Jakarta use Broncolor as source of lighting the product. Reliable product that has been used by many top photographer in the world. This light give a consistency kelvin for each flash. It takes more than just a small camera with little strobe light to get a good quality image.
Invest in your images, cause they are important tools for your success in culinary business. Albert Kurniawan Photography has been styling and photographing since 2007. Learning from experience and always updating to trends as well creating new mood.
AKP expert in creating Conceptual food photography
Since 2007, AKP has been doing lots of work for many brand. Albert’s understanding and his experience about branding and marketing will give influence on his work for each client/brand. Learn how can AKP hlep you in making a food conceptual photography for your brand, call 0816 481 7565.